N头条>英语词典>dead soul翻译和用法

dead soul

英 [ded səʊl]

美 [ded soʊl]

网络  死魂灵; 没有灵魂; 死灵魂; 死魂




  • Dead Soul and Unofficial History of the Scholars are both classic works of satire, and Smiling Through Tears takes on the same style of satire as these two works of literature.
  • The posture, that we give the dead, Point out the soul's eternal sleep.
  • According to the Buyi people, the dead are alive in terms of soul, which survives in another world.
  • With this example, people naturally believe that his soul doesn't leave his body when he is dead, and such examples can undoubtedly become proofs of existence of soul.
  • Are you dead like Rover and dead all over or does your soul go off to some other place or does some part of you get reincarnated into somebody else's body?
  • Ghosts and the dead fall under the purview of this Arcanum, as does the health of the soul.
  • 'My living darling! So you aren't lying dead in a ditch somewhere! Is it a dream? I've dreamed so often of you, only to wake in the morning, abandoned, my life dark, my soul thirsty.'
  • She is dead, but her soul is in heaven.
  • Yin recited sutras for the dead donkey's soul, and performed ceremonies to release it from its suffering.
  • But his dead mother's challenge echoes in his soul. So, too, do the voices of those who believed him stupid, incapable of living independently.